LEGO Brick Separator (Concept)

A redesign of the LEGO Brick Separator in the form of a plant-based solution for the climate-positive shift in LEGO's future plans.


Problem Statement

This project chronicles a design process and reflective practice for a recycled LEGO brick aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 17 (SDG17) to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development . The project understands the shifts in industry motives for sustainability, reports the chemistry process of producing recycled materials, whilst exploring the current toy market landscape in regards to recycled offerings. Additionally, the project examines the evolution of LEGO's commitment to recycled materials, detailing insights leading to changes in the decision-making process and the influence it had on the design choices for this brief.



With a conceptual design in place, an understanding of the material and production process, the project moves into the design phase. It was imperative to keep to the high standards of LEGO’s design system by creating a visually appealing design whilst conveying its environmental message. In the original sketches, the idea was to semantically represent sustainability using colour and symbolism on the packaging. LEGO sells the brick separator on their website and in their retail stores for £2.49.

To keep the brick separator from general wear and tear during the distribution chain and shipping process, it would be supplied in recycled cardboard packaging. This packaging can convey the educational messages of sustainability as mentioned previously whilst being a productive protective measure. Procreate allowed a free-hand tool to bring the design to life and create mockup designs for the brick separator and the packaging.

Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup



The design process of the LEGO brick separator served as a microcosm of a broader push towards sustainability in the toy manufacturing industry. By aligning with the UN’s SDG 17, this project underscores the importance of global partnerships in achieving sustainable development through financial inclusion, job opportunities and poverty relief. The project highlighted the intricate balance between environmental initiatives and product quality, financial constraints, emphasising the significance of adaptability in the face of evolving industry landscapes. As LEGO pioneers a new era of sustainable toy production, this project contributes to the ongoing dialogue about the intersection of design and global sustainability.

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Dec Roberts




Dec Roberts




Dec Roberts